Date Description & Time Location Meeting Status


Planning Commission Minutes



January 8, 2020

Dunkirk Town Hall, 654 County Highway N

6:30 p.m.                                                              


Chairman Falliant called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Members present:   Kent Falligant, Bill Delehanty, Brett Olson and Bradley Werginz. 


Other people present:    See the sign-in sheet for others present.


Open Discussion:  Amendments, revisions or suggested changes to Land Use Plan.


A review was made of the to-do list on page 26.  No changes have been requested by residents.  The Town did their first transfer of development this year, which was successful.  There may be changes that have to be made to the Land Use Plan due to the implementation of the Purchase of Development Rights program.  It is assumed any such language will go into the Land Use chapter.  This will be an item of discussion at a future meeting. 


Falligant was contacted by a woman who wanted to subdivide a 40 acre parcel into many small parcels and the Land Use Plan does not allow for this. 


Olson questioned whether our Land Use Plan addresses solar panels and Falligant did not believe so. 


Schieldt moved to adjourn the meeting.  Falligant seconded the motion.  The motion carried 5-0.  The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.


Minutes submitted by

Melanie Huchthausen, Clerk



Attachments:   Meeting Agenda

Attendee Sign-In Forms