Date Description & Time Location Meeting Status


 Town of Dunkirk

Dane County, Wisconsin

Town Board Meeting Minutes


March 6, 2023

6:30 PM

Dunkirk Town Hall

654 County Highway N


Chairman Monsen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Also present were Supervisor Ted Olson, Supervisor Jenks, Constable Holte, Clerk Kathy Olson, and Treasurer Smithback.  See attached sign-in sheet for others present. 


1.      Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Constable Holte. 


2.      Approval of Agenda.  Supervisor Olson stated a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion was seconded by Supervisor Jenks.  Motion carried 3-0. 


3.  Minutes: Chairman Monsen asked if everyone read the minutes of the regular meeting of February 20, 2023.  Supervisor Jenks stated a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  Motion was seconded by Supervisor Olson.  Motion carried 3-0. 



4.  Report on Bills:  Supervisor Olson stated a motion to accept and approve the bills payable in the amount $190,765.50.  Motion was seconded by Supervisor Jenks.    Motion carried 3-0.


5. Treasurer Report – Treasurer Report attached to minutes,


6.  Public Comment:



7.  Clerk's Report:   Clerk Olson gave her Clerk’s report, a copy of which is attached and made a part of these minutes. 


8.  Road Crew:   Albion approved ATV’s, they want to put up signage to mark Kaase, notice for next meeting. Get price for township siding, get rid or sale extra chairs, board says get rid of half.


9.  Constable Report:  E-mail regarding home on N that is inhabitable, drove past is old Anderson place.  Sent e-mail to have them reach out to Dane co.


10.  Plan Commission Report:   Meeting on Wednesday night


11.  Parks Committee: 1st meeting they are neighborhood parks, equipment has mostly been untouched, how can it be fixed, referendum to get funds?  Usage of parks has been over used by organized sports.  Want to cut back on that, asked city of Stoughton they have parks reserved for a fee.  Recommend Ash Park for Soccer and limit to Mon & Tues at Ash & Pleasant view, recommend charging them 250.00 stipend. Park on Westchester needs updating, change tennis courts to pickle ball court on Ash.  Get some feedback from residents.  Have a list of dangerous equipment that should be taken out now.  Resident asked what is the usage of parks, do they really get used enough to spend funds on.  Norm suggested trying to find ways to raise money.


12.  Complaints:  Complaint about resident has too much stuff on lot, wants to know why hasn’t been fined. Township went to county to find out about the road, which it would have to go back to original owner. Constable instructed homeowner to go back to the county and file complaint.


13.  Unfinished Business: 

          a.  Update on Adler property site – Closing we have a new park

          b.  ATV – Public meeting on 2/20 @ 6:00PM – seeing notes from meeting

          c.  Soccer league usage of parks for upcoming season – Sarah Johnson      she gave schedule for Ash & Pleasant View. Dan asked if Sarah could suggest carpooling. Norm was starting to think of other parks for soccer league.

          d.  Hanerville road – Chris Luzzio  17 by 300 ft piece of land was sold to Dane co. hwy dept, they never needed. Homeowner was told it is up to township to decide if he can have land back. Ted said homeowner will have to pay all expenses.  Dan suggested we talk to township attorney.


          e.  Open Book – up date – Ted will take virtual class


          f.  Board of review date – May 1 is okay



14.    New Business:

          a. Cell tower discussion


            b. Traffic camera & letter to regulate



            c. RE-zone petition for Julie & William Karpus






15.  Future agenda items.   


16.  Adjournment:   No further business, Supervisor Olson stated a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m.  Motion was seconded by Supervisor Jenks.  Motion carried 3-0.  


Submitted 2/9/2023

Kathy Olson, Clerk



List of attendees

Copy of Bills paid ledger

Copy of agenda for February 20, 2023 meeting

Copy of Clerk’s Report

Copy of February 6, 2023 meeting minutes