ATV/UTV Resources
ATV/UTV helmets only work if you wear them. Here are some tips to ensure you are taking safety seriously the next time you hit the trails.
– Wear it – this one may seem obvious, but a helmet left at home does you no good. No matter how short your ATV or UTV ride is, always grab your helmet and make sure your passengers have one, too.
– Fit is key. A helmet needs to fit properly to offer the desired level of protection. Make sure it fits snuggly to your head but not so tight that it is uncomfortable.
– Full-face helmets are recommended since this style offers full coverage of your face and chin.
– Don’t forget your eyewear. A built-in visor or set of goggles is the right choice for ATV/UTV riding.
– If you are involved in a crash or drop your helmet on a hard surface, it should be replaced, even If there isn’t any visible damage. There may be hairline cracks or damage you cannot see.
Learn more about ATV/UTV riding in Wisconsin: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv
Riding through Wisconsin’s colorful fall forests can be some of the most enjoyable outings of the year. As you prepare for your upcoming ATV/UTV rides, make sure to include safety in your plans.
Here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe while enjoying Wisconsin’s beautiful fall foliage:
– Ride sober. Alcohol and drugs are among the top contributing factors in ATV crashes.
– Watch your speed. Speed limits and route signs exist to prevent dangerous conditions and crashes.
– Wear your helmet and seatbelt. They will keep you and your passengers safe in the event of a crash.
– Be an example for other operators. The future of the sport depends on you!
Learn more about ATV/UTV regulations and safe operation: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv
Speed kills. Unfortunately, that’s the sad truth.
Excess speeds are one of the contributing factors noted in most of the ATV/UTV fatalities in the state.
When you hit the trails, remember that more speed does not equal more fun. It means more danger. Always follow posted trail signs and speed limits when riding on Wisconsin’s trails.
Also, remember that an ATV/UTV doesn’t handle the same as a vehicle, so watch the weather and be mindful of wet conditions, especially on roadways.
Help keep our trails and routes safe this fall.
Watch your speed, wear your helmet and always operate your machine sober.
Learn more about ATV/UTV regulations and safe operation: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv
Taking the ATV or UTV out for a fall ride? Have fun and enjoy Wisconsin’s beautiful colors!
Be safe, too.
The easiest and most important thing to remember is to always ride sober and wear your safety equipment.
Alcohol and riding don’t mix.
Crashes can happen quickly, and drinking can reduce your reaction time. Always operate sober, wear your helmet and watch your speed so your riding experience can be an enjoyable one, not a tragedy.
Learn more about ATV/UTV regulations and safe operation: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv
Twenty-six Wisconsin residents have died in fatal ATV crashes so far this year, ranging in age from 4-79 years old. Four victims were minors. Keeping everyone safe is up to you!
– Only have passengers ride in designated, approved seats.
– Ride sober. Alcohol and drugs are among the top contributing factors in ATV crashes.
– Watch your speed. Speed limits and route signs exist to prevent dangerous conditions and crashes.
– Wear your helmet and seatbelt. They will keep you and your passengers safe in the event of a crash.
Learn more about ATV/UTV regulations and safe operation: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv