Garbage, Recycling & Disposal
Curbside Trash and Recycling Pickup
Johns Disposal Service provides curbside trash and recycling pick-up for town residents. The charge for this service is included on Town tax bills each year. Garbage toters are provided by Johns Disposal. Our program requires residents to call to schedule bulk item collection. Any items that do not fit in your garbage or recycling cart must be called in Johns Disposal at (262) 473-4700; or emailed into office@johnsdisposal.com. Bulk items are scheduled regularly throughout the month. You may schedule one bulk items collection per month, with a total of twelve per year. Johns has provided toters for recycled items and will pick up every other week. If you have questions regarding your individual recycling pick-up schedule, please view the calendar.
Contact Johns Disposal at (888) 473-4701 or email them with questions.
Paper: junk mail, catalogs, notebooks, newspaper, phone books, file folders, magazines, and boxboard (cereal, cookie, soda boxes)
Plastic containers marked #1 to #7
Aluminum cans
Glass jars and bottles
Tin or bimetal food containers
Aerosol cans: must be empty
Hazardous Materials Disposal
The Dane County Department of Public Works provides Clean Sweep, a program for hazardous materials disposal. It also provides recycling programs for computers, light bulbs, old thermostats, and other household items as well as a composting program. The Dane County Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division can be contacted at (608) 266-4018.
More information available on the website
E-Cycle Wisconsin Provides Easier Electronics Recycling
by Bridgette Valdez-Kogle, DNR
A new statewide electronics recycling law, passed in October 2009, is creating new recycling opportunities for Wisconsin households and schools. The law also bans many electronics from Wisconsin landfills and incinerators starting September 1, 2010.
The E-Cycle Wisconsin program, created under the laws by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), provides more electronics recycling options in many parts of the state. To find a collection site in your area, visit http://dnr.wi.gov/ecyclewisconsin.
Recycling your electronics is important because they contain valuable materials that can be recycled and reused. These materials include plastics, steel, glass and precious metals like gold and copper.
Many devices also contain dangerous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and chemical flame retardants. If disposed of improperly, these materials can leach into the environment where they may affect human and environmental health.
"After September 1, no one in Wisconsin may put items such as TVs, computers, printers and cell phones in the trash," said Ann Coakley, director of the DNR's Waste and Materials Management Program. "Electronics are resources that are too valuable to waste, and we can help both our economy and environment by recycling them."
Contact your recycling program or visit the website to learn more and to find where to recycle your electronics.